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[Might Could Essays]
100+ Essays on creativity + artmaking
I write weekly essays on living, working, and making as an artist. Some common themes are overcoming creative obstacles, developing a personal style, and pondering what it means to think like an artist. I send out a new essay to my email subscribers every Tuesday.
Weekly drawing prompt challenge
Do you struggle with drawing consistently, knowing what to draw, or getting bored with your art? Join our MCDT drawing challenge to get the lil’ kick in the booty you need to finally get that daily sketchbook practice going!
Style Quiz
7 Questions to Discover Your Style!
An artistic style is a very complex and personal thing. It’s a combination of your beliefs, preferences, and personality visualized as marks on the page. This short quiz will give you a big insights into your own artistic style!
Art Mood Quiz
Find the art to make for your mood!
Creative block is often caused by an underlying mood. This quiz will help you recognize what sort of mood you’re in and then give you an art assignment catered to your mood to help you make something right now!
Might Could Draw THIS!
Drawing prompt generator app
One of the most common artistic challenges is the fear of the blank page—our hesitation to start a new drawing. This app helps you bust through that obstacle by jump starting your creativity with over 20k unique, creativity-inspiring word combinations!
Get the iOS app here!
Get the Android app here!
Influence Map Making Guide
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Learn about your artistic style with this simple guide! An influence map will help you analyze the art that has impacted you to learn more about your own style.
Storyboarding Guide
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Learn how to storyboard your picture book with my Quick Start Guide to Storyboarding so you can finally start making that book you’ve been thinking about! Storyboard templates included!