Might Could Draw Today (MCDT) is an initiative aimed to gently encourage us to make time for creativity and drawing, within a supportive and uplifting environment of artists from around the world.
I started MCDT in 2016 and through its many iterations and platforms and countless participating artists, we have created over 30,000 pieces of art with over 200 drawing prompts! And counting!

Weekly Art Prompts
A new art prompt is announced in our Substack Chat every Monday. Interpret the prompt however you like! You can choose to draw with that prompt once, daily, or however many times you want! Drawing 7 different versions of something can be a whole lot of fun, be we also know that life gets in the way. Just do your best!

All art mediums, styles, and interpretations are welcome. There is no wrong answer and no wrong way to draw!

Folks Talkin’ About MCDT
“This week marks week 53 of drawing MightCouldDrawToday Themes. I have been drawing and posting almost every day to either MCDT. Joining MCDT, I ended up completing six sketchbooks and starting three more. If I hadn’t, I might have completed one or two sketchbooks. So, here’s to dedicating myself to another 52 weeks of drawing daily!”
–Craig A.
“I feel like I can stay on course, because there are communities like the one you’ve created through Might Could Draw Today.”
–Miranda M.
“Christine, I stumbled upon your drawing challenge about 10 days ago, a few days after I decided I wanted to draw everyday starting this year. I’ve already learned so much after this first week and am excited to continuing learning, challenging myself, and becoming a better artist.“
–Lauren L.
“Everyone is so supportive regardless of skill level or creativity. Truly it is a supportive community that is led by a nurturing, uplifting mentor. I want to thank for the positive influence you have been in my art journey. Continue to paint the world with your brush.”
Timberly G.