This set of illustrations were created for the January/February 2014 issue of Thriving Family, for an article titled, Your Digital Life. The article is about how you can get sucked into the digital world and how dwelling too much on what other people are reporting in their digital lives can affect your own in-person life negatively. I created one half-page illo and two spot illos, which were published in both the print and iPad issues of the magazine. You can see more in my portfolio here and here. Below are the illos in their print and iPad (respectively) habitats.
And here are a couple process shots! Lately I’ve been really focusing on getting the drawing perfect before I begin any work on the computer (like colors and textures). I’ve realized and recognized that the final illustration is only as good as the final drawing. Below is an abridged progression of the drawings from the initial quick sketch to get the concept down, to the refined sketch sent to get approval from the art director, to the polished inked drawing that was used in the final illustration.
And then I created a bunch of quick color studies to play with color palettes. Here’s a screenshot of a few of those. I quite like the last yellow and pink palette, but didn’t feel it was right for this illustration. I plan on coming back to that palette in the near future though!
I had a blast making these illustrations, and can’t wait to post the next ones that I just turned in today!