A few days ago I signed up for a Hire An Illustrator profile, and today it went live! Hire An Illustrator is a online portfolio community, where illustrators can join and have a gallery of their work, as well as post news about their career and theoretically be stumbled upon by art directors or art buyers and commissioned for work! There’s a lot of websites like this on the internet, but this one seems like the most valued/respected community and it seems like art directors/buyers really do browse the site to find illustrators. So here’s to hoping it will lead to something! I gotta just keep putting myself out there, even during times where I’m super busy—like this week!

In other news, I was chosen to be a featured artist on the WeTransfer website! WeTransfer is a website that I actually use often to send large files to clients or collaborators, since Gmail has a 25MB limit and they allow up to 2GB. But equally awesome is that their site background is always a huge visually awesome image. Sometimes it’s an ad, but they also feature artist’s work from time to time. This week, I was chosen as one of the featured artists! The website gets over 2 million views a day, so that’s some great promotion! I really want to see my work on the site and take a screenshot, but so far have not seen it yet (even with my multiple reloads!) So if anybody sees it, take a screenshot for me! The photography featured below is by Cameron Sterling, and I simply love it!